Maryam Adib is a fine artist, clothing designer and muralist working in Ithaca, NY.  In her painting practice she seeks to weave together the links of memory, family lineage, and dreams. She believes that by understanding our collective and individual histories and our dream worlds, we can awaken lost memories and pieces of ourselves that may feel lost to our subconscious.

About the Collection

This collection has been inspired by life around me and the natural world. Being in awe of how the plants, animals and mycelium work so perfectly in loving community and how much we can learn from them.  Our world is separated in so many ways by the design of white supremacy, colonialism and systems of domination that seek to separate and divide us. Separate us from nature, ourselves and alienate us from each other in such a way that we can forget that we are nature. We can move with such grace and love as we break away from these systems and lean into our nature which is loving community.  There is so much joy to be found in observing nature, finding the love in small daily observations and interactions. 
Love powers the ways that we move through life, the reason why we fight for what we fight for, the reason why we stand up for ourselves and others, it is both the reason and the answer.  Love and domination can’t go together.  As we try to survive and break past what attempts to keep us down, staying present in the love around us is what will keep us sane.  When we come from a loving ethic there is no way for them to break our spirits. I keep coming back to the bell hooks quote “When we choose to love, we choose to move against fear. Against alienation and separation. The choice to love is a choice to connect. To find ourselves in the other.” As we stay focused, and stay present we must allow ourselves to lean into the love around us.